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Version: Current (v5.0)

Tracking Module SDK

Still under construction!

This reference document is still actively being worked on. Changes are subject to happen discretionally.

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VRCFaceTracking provides an external tracking module SDK that allows developers to send face tracking data to any VRCFaceTracking compatible app. Modules will send data to the generalized UnifiedTracking interface that VRCFaceTracking will use to send tracking data to applications.

Tracking Module Overview

Project Setup

VRCFaceTracking uses .NET 7, a relatively easy and intuitive development platform. VRCFaceTracking has the ability to load any class library (Managed .dll files) built on the .NET platform using a built-in module loader.

To get started, create a new Class Library project using the .NET 7 SDK and framework. Many IDEs provide a template to quickly get started with this environment.


Name the project after the tracking interface being implemented to VRCFaceTracking; a general naming scheme for tracking modules is along the lines of ExampleExtTrackingInterface.

Once the project environment is setup, include VRCFaceTracking.Core as a dependency (this can either be a project reference by using the VRCFaceTracking.Core project in your own project, or by referencing the VRCFaceTracking.Core binary), and inherit ExtTrackingModule to your module's main class. This will be where all the main functionality of the module will be implemented.

Must implement ExtTrackingModule

VRCFaceTracking will at this time only load your external module if the base class inherits ExtTrackingModule, otherwise it will be skipped. This is to ensure that developers are implementing a tracking interface extension for devices to use VRCFaceTracking tracking data, or otherwise.

This may be changed in the future to allow different types of modules to be loaded by the module loader (potentially those that can provide an output for VRCFaceTracking tracking data, modify parts of VRCFaceTracking, modify the UI of VRCFaceTracking, and more).

The default architecture platform should be Any CPU or x64 to build for VRCFaceTracking.

Your project environment should be fully setup and ready to accept your tracking interface!

Tracking Module Architecture

Refer to the VRCFaceTracking API!

The following API's are referenced when writing a module. These are included with VRCFaceTracking.Core.

All of VRCFaceTracking is open source and is already well documented with IDE contextual documentation.

public class ExampleExtTrackingModule : ExtTrackingModule
// What your interface is able to send as tracking data.
public override (bool SupportsEye, bool SupportsExpression) Supported => (true, true);

// This is the first function ran by VRCFaceTracking. Make sure to completely initialize
// your tracking interface or the data to be accepted by VRCFaceTracking here. This will let
// VRCFaceTracking know what data is available to be sent from your tracking interface at initialization.
public override (bool eyeSuccess, bool expressionSuccess) Initialize(bool eyeAvailable, bool expressionAvailable)
var state = (eyeAvailable, expressionAvailable);

ModuleInformation.Name = "Example Module";

// Example of an embedded image stream being referenced as a stream
var stream =

// Setting the stream to be referenced by VRCFaceTracking.
ModuleInformation.StaticImages =
stream != null ? new List<Stream> { stream } : ModuleInformation.StaticImages;

//... Initializing module. Modify state tuple as needed (or use bool contexts to determine what should be initialized).

return state;

// Polls data from the tracking interface.
// VRCFaceTracking will run this function in a separate thread;
public override void Update()
// Get latest tracking data from interface and transform to VRCFaceTracking data.

if (Status == ModuleState.Active) // Module Status validation
// ... Execute update cycle.
UnifiedTracking.Data.Eye.Left.Openness = ExampleTracker.LeftEye.Openness;
UnifiedTracking.Data.Shapes[(int)UnifiedExpressions.JawOpen] = ExampleTracker.Mouth.JawOpen;

// Add a delay or halt for the next update cycle for performance. eg:

// Called when the module is unloaded or VRCFaceTracking itself tears down.
public override void Teardown()
//... Deinitialize tracking interface; dispose any data created with the module.

Building Project

Once the tracking module is fully setup and ready to be deployed, compile your binary. This binary can then be loaded by VRCFaceTracking's module system!

Simply take the compiled binary and place it in %appdata%\VRCFaceTracking\CustomLibs, VRCFaceTracking will load any external modules in alphabetical order that are included in this folder.

Use Build Events!

Setting up build events for your project can make it easy to iterate your project faster. Create a build event to place your compiled binaries into the appropriate destinations!